Why The Lemurian Intuitive?

It appeared by luck, my astral body projected into an ethereal realm that you could only dream of or read in a fantasy novel. A place between worlds where all you have to do is let your spirit guide you and peek at what’s behind the veil. To reveal that it isn’t just a dream or non-fiction but a thriving ancient civilisation called Lemuria, of crystallised light beings enriched in ancient spirituality. Tears flowed down my face with the sweet and heartfelt warmth of home and a magical encounter with my family in Spirit.

I came across a random meditation one night on YouTube by a man who practices Lemurian Healing. I had never heard of this type of healing practice or Lemuria. I was with my mum and sitting comfortably on the couch, ready to relax and wind down before bed, as I laid back and listened to the sound of his voice guiding me into a deep trance meditation. The surprising sensitivity and the awareness of my consciousness were preparing for lift-off as I could feel my spirit leave my body, and I could see my body sitting on the couch. My mum is sitting across from me, meditating. As my spirit lifted and went straight through the roof, I was transported to a forest.

It is vast and plentiful, with different shades of colours throughout, and the trees are as tall as the eye can see. I felt the lush pasture beneath my feet firmly planted on the ground, leaving a slight tickle; a chorus of wind, nature, and birds engulfed the forest as if it were a theatre of sounds. The grass is a sea of rich, tall, colourful ornamental that rises so freely towards the sunlight. I could feel a tingly and bubbly sensation that raced through my body but left a surprising comfort of what a dream could be. I remember feeling a wave of calmness washing over me as if I had been swimming underwater and floating like a delicate hymn. I was in a state of fear for many months and experienced a sense of peace that I had never experienced before. A narrow path cleared of tall trees lined along each side and in the far distance lays a welcoming into the blue. I felt my feet take control and pushed forward until I breached the opening of a green land that seemed to go for an eternity, and I saw a large, soft, oval boulder rock. As I climbed onto this rock, I suddenly saw myself from a higher perspective, looking down, at myself while i was gently sitting. From a higher perspective, looking at the tree-lined forest, I saw numerous bright glowing orbs that revealed themselves through the shadows. I then suddenly appeared as if it was a low-angle camera shot that hyper-focused on the intended objects, which were the glittering orbs turned into different shapes and sizes of light bodies. I could see their facial expressions and what each being looked like, to a whimsical tree that came straight out of a Disney movie to fairies, human bodies, to different animals with spots, stripes, antlers, and wings. It was truly fascinating. The glint in their eyes and smiles vibrated with immense energy with each movement forward as they slowly approached the boulder rock. I knew my spirit guides had greeted me.

My spirit was embraced with sensations I still can’t explain till this very day, of being surrounded by the glittery beings smiling at me with such warmth and grace that vibrated an overwhelming sense of love. I could feel the tears flowing down my face and dripping onto my clothes as my heart chakra was activated with pure bliss and joy. I could feel a smile that reached from ear to ear and a twinkle in my eye that couldn’t quite explain what was happening to me.
The beings parted, and I saw a light beam approaching the circle. It revealed itself to me as clear as day as her soft expressions floated in the wind, an ethereal, angelic, tall presence. Who had hair like Rapunzel wafting in the wind that illuminated a healing frequency, with the intention of love and light to reveal a piece of the puzzle that is uncovering before my eyes, of a journey of a lifetime that has just begun. I sensed the words Mother Divine form in my mind, and I could feel her communicating to me that felt so harmonising and rang true to my spirit, and an overwhelming sheer of bliss to be in the presence of my guardian angel. I remember I hugged her, and the feeling dawned on me that I had to leave as she told me what I needed to know at that time, and I could feel my consciousness pull me back to self, as I did not want to leave them. As I felt myself being lifted off the ground, they all smiled and disappeared, and I awakened back to my body, sunk deep into the couch. Mum was awake and watching me bawl my eyes hysterically, and the feeling of homesickness returned. I couldn’t quite grasp what happened, how, and why. There was no logical explanation, but the astounding feeling was genuine and raw.

To have an infinity with a place that is beyond the five senses that echo energy that is crystalised in my DNA. Gently guides my spirit back to the unbecoming self to uncover the light codes that were there all along. It was an unfamiliar yet familiar feeling of a golden thread woven that is interconnected throughout my spirit’s journey.
This is not just a name I decided to call myself but a state of being intrinsic to my beliefs and faith as I walk this path of least resistance.




Revelations of Mastery!